Pine cone Magic

Smile and shine child minding blog pine cones

What an awesome day with two little champions discovering new and exciting things on our journey to the park… A pine cone (never seen before) was the mystery to be solved… “Do I touch it? Will it bite? Is it going to move if I get too close?” how gorgeous are these little ones…  The…

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Birthday beads for mum

I minded three very active chidren today and after playing outside for awhile with a selection of activities in the yard, some time in the sandpit and including their favourite…chasing/blowing bubbles, we came inside and made some play dough people, trucks and a variety of different shapes with the cookie cutters. Before lunch we agreed on making a necklace for…

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Making butterfly surprises

Tonight I minded two girls aged 5 & 6. We started by colouring in butterflies and they each decorated their butterflies in their own unique ways. Once these were completed we then cut them out for the girls to keep. Then the girls came up with the brilliant idea of hiding them under their parents pillows as a…

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